Reflecting on the recent TEDxWellington community Salon event held on October 13th 2020.
As with previous Salons, the format is about bringing the TEDx community together as a shared experience, connect with each other, watch some curated TED talks and explore the topics discussed, plus have a few past TEDxWellington speakers to give an update on where they are in their journey.
We kicked off the event with the first speaker alum update from Ged Finch:
The first talk selected and watched was:
What followed was a quick discussion with attendees chatting with others and exploring the following:
What creative activities nourish you? OR
What activities are you happy to play the fool doing?
Our second speaker alum (video) update came from Olie Body:
The second shared viewing experience was:
And what followed was a fun drawing activity for all involved:
The final speaker alum update was from Dr Monica Saini:
The big announcement | Our call for speakers and performers!
To end the event we announced our public call for speakers and performers for the 2021 TEDxWellington – MORE DETAILS HERE – we then had Alex from the leadership team outlining the community strategy and outreach efforts plus encouraging those in attendance to become part of our promotional efforts for the application opportunity.

Big thanks to hosts National Library of New Zealand plus our food partner The Lab.
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