Meet Our Speaker Alumni | Charles Babb – The Possibilities of Uncommonalities

An entertainment industry production professional that loves all things technology.

Charles Babb joined us from Los Angeles for TEDxWellington 2016. He talked about the importance of diversity and inclusion in technology.

Describe your TEDxWellington experience
It was magical. I felt at home. People were kind and the team was phenomenal. I’ve experienced a variety of events, but this may be one of the more moving ones. The speakers were brilliant and connected well with the audience.

How did TEDxWellington affect you?
It inspired me to be a better person. Pieces of the speakers and hosting team live with me. I long to return to Wellington.

What have you been up to since you were on the TEDxWellington stage?
I just finished a government VR project and the Fairchild Consortium team is working on both an AR and VR project. I’ve also partnered with Xequals on an animated project. So, I will return soon!

What was your one takeaway from TEDxWellington?
Always remain open and loving. Good people have a way of attracting one another and sharing good vibes with one another.

Registrations open on Wednesday 10th May for TEDxWellington’s 2017 event—don’t miss out! Sign up to receive our email newsletter now to get the news before anyone else.